
The next Trampoline dates 2024:

19th January 2025

9th February 2025

All trampoline sessions will start at 2.40 pm.

GLL Payment Policy for 2024:

Payment for each RSDA session is currently being charged at £4.00 per session by the GLL. All sessions need to be booked and paid for in advance. You are able to book sessions on the day at the centre when you turn up but it will always be better to pre-book your session to guarantee your space. If you wish to Swim AND take part in the Sunday afternoon hall session please just book the Swim session and you only need only need to pay for the Swim session, you are welcome to enter the hall after Swimming for free.

Missed Session Charges:

For anyone who has a monthly DD payment set up for GLL membership, all RSDA sessions are included in that monthly price, HOWEVER, it has been noted that on some occasions you may get a missed session charge on your account. You can claim this back by contacting the centre and explaining you have been incorrectly charged. This normally occurs when you arrive more than 10 minutes before or after the start time for the session in question as the card reader does not recognise your entry time and will not mark you as present. A member of staff will quickly sort this error out for you, please be polite whilst explaining what has happened, this is the way their system works and not the fault of any member of staff.